Welcome to another Mid Month Tutorial. I will show you how to create minialbum that is clean and simple to do.
First of all take your 12"x12" sheet of cardstock (it measures 30,5x30,5cm). Using your
Scor-Pal board make a score line at the heart symbol.
NOTE: The heart symbol is not exactly 15 cm. It is the middle of A4 format.
Rotate 180
o and make anoter score at the heart symbol.
Look at the closeup. You created a small gap and you have two equal parts for the covers and small gap for a spine.
Rotate your cardstock 90
o and make another scor line at the heart symbol.
Now it's time for the tricky part. Fold at the line that you've just scored and make a scor line at the heart symbol.
Remember you are scoring your cardstock only when you can scor @ the heart symbol.
Cut out unnessesary part of your spine.
Here comes the closeup.
Take your
1/4" ScorTape and adhere as shown on the picture below (on the flaps and near the spine).
Embelish as desired. You can also prepare some 13,5x13,5cm or 14x14cm insert cards.
śr., 19 wrz 2018 o 17:38 Katie Tate
Thanks that would be great!
I don’t have the metric version.
If you don’t change it to 15cm simply change the narrative to read “score at the heart symbol on the Scor-Pal”
From: fusiafscrapping
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 9:57 AM
To: Katie Tate
Subject: Re: Scor-Pal Mid Month Tutorial
Hi Katie.
There should be hearts. In my (metric) version of ScoreBoard heart symbol is not exactly 15 cm. It is the middle of A4 format.
I can change it if you wish and place "15cm" instead of hearts.
Best wishes
18.09.2018 5:18 PM "Katie Tate" napisał(a):
I don’t know what the issue is only that hearts appear in your code where there should be measurements.
If you let me know what those measurements are I can manually adjust the code.
From: fusiafscrapping
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 8:04 AM
To: Katie Tate
Subject: Re: Scor-Pal Mid Month Tutorial
Hi Katie.
It was copied from my blogger. Could you tell me, please, the code Page (char settings) . I think that this mighth be it.
pon., 17.09.2018, 19:10 użytkownik Katie Tate napisał:
I posted this but there are some errors in the code, could you please recopy it from thr html produces by blogger and let’s see if we can get this correct, it messes up at points where you give measurements.
From: fusiafscrapping
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 3:02 AM
To: Katie Tate
Subject: Scor-Pal Mid Month Tutorial
Welcome to another Mid Month Tutorial. Today we have the pleasure to create with Isia. She will show us how to create minialbum that is clean and simple to do.

First of all take your 12"x12" sheet of cardstock (it measures 30,5x30,5cm). Using your
Scor-Pal board make a score line at ❤.
Rotate 180
o and make anoter score at ❤.
Look at the closeup. You created a small gap and you have two equal parts for the covers and small gap for a spine.
Rotate your cardstock 90
o and make another scor line at ❤.
Now it's time for the tricky part. Fold at the line that you've just scored and make a scor line at ❤.
Remember you are scoring your cardstock only when you can scor @ ❤.
Cut out unnessesary part of your spine.
Here comes the closeup.
Take your
1/4" ScorTape and adhere as shown on the picture below (on the flaps and near the spine).
Embelish as desired. You can also prepare some 13,5x13,5cm or 14x14cm insert cards.